We are stronger together and through collaboration will raise awareness and have greater social impact!
In April of 2018, KindnessEvolution successfully launched The KindnessCollective - our Nation’s first endeavor to gather non-profit kindness leaders, utilizing breakthrough facilitation, in the exploration of impactful collaboration. From that auspicious gathering, in solidarity with October National Bullying Prevention month, we launched our first Unified Initiative: No Bullying, period.
In 2018, the statistic revealed that everyday, 160,000 kids skip school out of fear of bullying and exclusion. That is just not ok.
The Mission of No Bullying, Period. is to bring greater awareness to this crucial issue, provide free resources and help to facilitate involvement and action, in order to bring an all schools provide a safe and nurturing environment to eradicate bullying.
This initiative was launched in collaboration with the 5 founders of organizations that attended the 2018 KindnessCollective, who’s mission focuses on the awareness of this issue and tools and resources to minimize this behavior.
Jacki James created Kindness Matters, a campaign designed to improve the way all people interact with each other. It is in honor of her son, Peyton A. James, who took his life at age 13, after years of being bullied.
Morgan Guess of Guess Anti-Bullying Foundation was traumatically bullied at age 8 and decided to be part of the solution. Morgan changed Bullying legislation in Kentucky and was the youngest to serve on the anti-bullying task force. Morgan is 15.
Shirley Zink created Simple Acts of Care & Kindness,
a foundation focused on ensuring a better world for many generations to come. A world built upon respect, chivalry, and goodwill. Shirley lost her son to suicide, due to bullying. Steven was 19.
Alyssa Antoci of Strength behind Stars, wrote the Purple Marble when she was just eight-and-a-half years old -a true story of her overweight cousin who experienced bullying. Alyssa brings her book to schools to provide education and inspiration. It was just made into a musical. Alyssa is 15.
Shadi Pourkshef’s organization: Ability Awareness Project: Kind & Safe Schools, provides anti-bullying education presentations and event for parents, educators and students. Shadi is a fierce advocate for this issue since her son was experiencing ongoing peer bullying at 8 years old.
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These are challenging times, but having our kids being taken care of is something we can all agree on. Let us take a stand together for the safety and well being of our children. If you believe in the eradication of bullying, please click IM IN! (no email required.) When you click IM IN! our Everything Kind technology platform calculates in real time, how many people and organizations are participating and standing together.