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Join the hundreds who are taking a stand for a kinder and more inclusive world.

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Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

A unified day of theme-based activities celebrating the value and impact of Intentional Kindness.

The value of intentional kindness IS part of the camp fabric. On this day, we shine the spotlight and celebrate together.


Researched and created by Intern #21, Sophia Lopez

Good Deeds Day is April 14, 2024. A day volunteers come together to and spread kindness through kind deeds and acts of service. JOIN IN!

Children for Change, a student-driven and group-led organization, our youth members champion, broadcast and support issues they believe in from helping the homeless to fighting for a more sustainable environment for future generations. The voice of our youth is strong, knowledgeable and determined - it’s time for us to listen. Children for Change believes that children innately want to do good.  They provide opportunities for students to demonstrate that capacity. If you are a student in the Bay Area/Marin County and interested in spreading kindness through good deeds, CHECK IT OUT!

Kids for Peace, a global nonprofit, organizes The Great Kindness Challenge. The challenge features a 50-item checklist with kind acts for students to do intentionally so that kindness becomes a priority.  Empower your students to create a culture of kindness.

Family Kindness Nights. Students at Flye Elementary School in Henrietta NY are on a mission to spread kindness within their communities every Wednesday where kids and their families meet together and create joyful crafts such as thankyou cards for EMTs and making bracelet kits for Bivona Child Advocacy Center. Through this, the students and families hope to brighten people’s lives. YOU SURE ARE!

Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.
— Albert Schweitzer
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Features Overview


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